The inverse of 3/32 is 10 2/3, multiply this by 9 to get 96. For an 1/8'=1'-0' (96) drawing, the program will automatically scale the symbol by 9. Symbol and device scale are tied to “Annotation Plot Size” in Drawing Setup. Be aware there is some voodoo going on with symbol scaling in MEP that is different from standard Autocad.
This apply also to disconnects symbols.ĭoes any one have the same problem? How do you correct it so you dont have to scale the symbol everytime you insert it?ĮdYou may need to edit the symbols supplied by Autodesk. Yet the 'standard' receptacle block at that scale is aprox 7' in diam. I have properly setup the scale, but when inserted, the symbols are small compared to other standard blocks.įor example receptacles seem very small ( aprox 4 1/2' diam) for a plan at 1/4' scale. I am using the electrical symbols that come with ACAD MEP.